Nowadays, with the transformation and evolution of e-commerce connected to social networks, the functions of classic marketing have been popularized and changed to digital marketing. The great paradigm is to get to know your digital consumer today, that is, your buyer person.
Since the evolution of the internet and with the arrival of popular social networks, businesses and consumers have been transformed. Especially with the arrival of the “millennials” and “Z generation”, which have revolutionized the world of advertising and marketing with micromedia (that is, social networks or social media). Micromedia gives us the desired knowledge of each individual connected with other consumers, where they share information and opinions. This new interaction methodology used today is the key to knowing your digital person buyer, or in other words, your new digital consumer.
This phenomenon of connection in the digital and consumer world is called the “Augmented Society”: a new state of society that emerged at the beginning of the 21st century. It is a society in which greater interaction and communication is possible thanks to the use of digital technologies. We can say that technologies have enabled “augmented society” and “network society”, giving consumers the possibility to explain their stories (“storytelling”), give their opinion and interact with other consumers or future customers.
With the revolution of digital transformation, the behavior of the consumer or buyer person has changed and also the way of communicating. You have to be aware of your digital consumer at all times, as it is constantly changing.